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Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers some frequently asked questions. Please contact us if you have other questions.

Q. What is a Village?

Villages are local, volunteer-led organizations that support community members by fostering social connections through activities, events, and the coordination of volunteers, using a neighbor-to-neighbor model. Each village is unique and dynamic, reflecting the character, interests, and needs of the community that creates it. 


The West Rockville Connects Village is in its formative stages. In the coming months the leadership committee will expand services and activities.  Please complete a brief survey to help the steering committee to understand you and your interests regarding our Village.. 


The WRC Village seeks volunteers who are interested in contributing to the growth of the village and developing its capabilities. If you wish to become involved, please contact us via the Contact page.

Q. Where is the West Rockville Connects Village?

West Rockville Connects Village comprises neighbors from College Gardens, Haiti, Plymouth Woods, Regents Square condos and Woodley Gardens Coop, Welsh Park (including College Square), West End (including Rose Hill Falls), Monument Park, and Woodley Gardens.


The neighborhoods comprising the West Rockville Connects Village are bounded "roughly" by Gude Dr., Rt-355, Maryland Ave. and I-270.


Siting of the neighborhoods comprising the Village inside the Rockville City limits.

Q. Are other villages present in Montgomery County and Rockville?



West Rockville Connects

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