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West Rockville Connects Village delivers Welcome Kits to new neighbors.

Space is limited. Participant registration is required.
Register by August 19th.

You may download a flyer for this event: (Click Here)
You are welcome to post this flyer too.


Bring your friendly pup to the parade for a treat & a special photo-op.

Event registration will begin on September 11th. Please pre-register on the Events Page.

You may download a flyer for this event: (Click Here)
You are welcome to post this flyer too.

Thank you to all who participated in WRC's recent 2024 events:

  • WRC Tie-Dye Event 

  • Tours of the Montgomery County Recycling Center

  • Native Plant/Rainscape Garden Tours

Event photos are posted appear on the Past Events Page

Please check back for announcements of future events.

SPECIAL NOTE: West Rockville Connects Village has applied for incorporation as Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

The WRC Village is still being formed. Please complete a brief survey to help us understand you and your interests regarding our Village.

West Rockville Connects (WRC) Welcomes NewHomeowners

West Rockville Connects (WRC) welcomes new homeowners by greeting them in person and giving them a canvas bag filled with useful informational materials. Some of the bag contents were developed by WRC and some materials are from neighborhood-specific organizations and clubs.


The bag also includes material from the local chapter of the League of Women Voters, the Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Rockville. Sometimes we learn that the new homeowner is familiar with Rockville, but often they are new to the area and are very grateful to have the opportunity to ask questions. Everyone appreciates meeting the WRC volunteer, a neighbor, and most sign up to receive WRC email.


This is an ongoing project; addresses of home sales are collected quarterly and assignments to WRC volunteers are tracked so we can report on the success of the project. We started the welcome bag distribution mid-year 2023. To date, we have distributed 43 bags. If you would like to volunteer to help distribute welcome bags to new homeowners in your neighborhood, please complete the contact form on our website.

welcome bag contents.jpg

Please check back for announcements of future events.

Our Mission

The West Rockville Connects Village seeks to build a welcoming, diverse, and intergenerational network of neighbors to support each member of the community at any stage of life.

West Rockville Connects Village Neighborhoods

Established 2021, our village comprises College Gardens, HAITI, Plymouth Woods, Regents Square condos and Woodley Gardens Coop, Welsh Park (including College Square), West End (including Rose Hill Falls), and Woodley Gardens (See map).

West Rockville Connects

©2023 by West Rockville Village. Proudly created with

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